Frequently asked questions

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Top Questions
How do I check the status of a referral I sent to the Care Co-ordination Centre?

You will have received an email confirmation with a unique reference code for the referral you sent.

Simply contact the Care Co-ordination Centre with this unique code to check on the status of the referral.

Contact: 0300 247 0200 between the hours of 8.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday, and from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm at the weekend or on Bank Holidays.

Who can make a referral?

This referral portal is currently for any professional who wants to send a referral for Adult Health, Care and Wellbeing Services in BaNES.

If you are unsure or have any queries about our referral process, do not hesitate to call the Care Co-ordination Centre on 0300 247 0200.

For which services can I currently send a digital referral?

Currently, you can send a digital referral for the following services via the referral portal:

  • District Nursing
  • Community Matron
  • Reablement services
How soon will I be able to send a referral to all services?

We are gradually adding the ability to accept digital referrals via this referral portal for Adult Health, Care and Wellbeing services in Bath and North East Somerset (there will be some exclusions including the services under the ‘e-Referral’ process - Physio and MSK including the Orthopaedic Interface Service).

We are also including services provided by third sector organisations such as Age UK and Bath Mind.

The services for which you can send a digital referral now are District Nursing, Community Matron and Reablement.

Can I refer myself for a service via this portal?

Not yet.

This portal is currently for professionals to send digital referrals for Adult Health, Care and Wellbeing Services in BaNES.

In the future, we plan to accept self-referrals. In the meantime, if you would like to make a referral for yourself, please call 0300 247 0200.

Where can I find out more information about RIVIAM Digital Care?

RIVIAM Digital Care provides a referral management and care co-ordination service enabling NHS and social care organisations to receive referrals and co-ordinate care. RIVIAM interfaces with clinical systems, providing secure integration across primary care, community, mental health and acute services.

You can find out more about RIVIAM on their website.

For Individuals
Can I refer myself for a service via this portal?

Not yet.

This portal is currently for professionals to send digital referrals for Adult Health, Care and Wellbeing Services in BaNES.

In the future, we plan to accept self-referrals. In the meantime, if you would like to make a referral for yourself, please call 0300 247 0200.

For GPs
How do I check the status of a referral I sent to the Care Co-ordination Centre?

You will have received an email confirmation with a unique reference code for the referral you sent.

Simply contact the Care Co-ordination Centre with this unique code to check on the status of the referral.

Contact: 0300 247 0200 between the hours of 8.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday, and from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm at the weekend or on Bank Holidays.

Where can I find out more information about RIVIAM Digital Care?

RIVIAM Digital Care provides a referral management and care co-ordination service enabling NHS and social care organisations to receive referrals and co-ordinate care. RIVIAM interfaces with clinical systems, providing secure integration across primary care, community, mental health and acute services.

You can find out more about RIVIAM on their website.

For which services can I currently send a digital referral?

Currently, you can send a digital referral for the following services via the referral portal:

  • District Nursing
  • Community Matron
  • Reablement services
For Professionals
How do I check the status of a referral I sent to the Care Co-ordination Centre?

You will have received an email confirmation with a unique reference code for the referral you sent.

Simply contact the Care Co-ordination Centre with this unique code to check on the status of the referral.

Contact: 0300 247 0200 between the hours of 8.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday, and from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm at the weekend or on Bank Holidays.

Where can I find out more information about RIVIAM Digital Care?

RIVIAM Digital Care provides a referral management and care co-ordination service enabling NHS and social care organisations to receive referrals and co-ordinate care. RIVIAM interfaces with clinical systems, providing secure integration across primary care, community, mental health and acute services.

You can find out more about RIVIAM on their website.

For which services can I currently send a digital referral?

Currently, you can send a digital referral for the following services via the referral portal:

  • District Nursing
  • Community Matron
  • Reablement services
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